Wednesday, December 5, 2012

An Overwhelming Story

           No matter how long a client advocate volunteers at any given pregnancy center, the age of some clients will always be shocking. Sometimes a married 33 year old will phone to make an appointment, yet sometimes the call is a single 26 year old. The marital status differs. The living arrangement differs. The age most certainly differs. 65% of our clients this year were under the age of 24. Statistics and past numbers still can never prepare someone for the days-like last Wednesday-when a Jr. High student walks through the door for her pregnancy test.

8th grade.

14 years old.

                It never gets old. Seeing such a young girl in such an adult situation is heavy, to say the very least, but hearing her ask questions about getting an abortion reaches to a deep place. “Where do we look to get an abortion?” “How much will an abortion cost?” “Am I still early enough to get the abortion pill?” These are the questions a fourteen year old girl is asking with tears streaming down her face too quickly to be wiped away.

                I explained the scenarios for each decision in the possible pregnancy and asked what she was thinking about it all. Words couldn’t even come out of her mouth. Tears fell onto her school uniform, overcome. Finally she walked me through the story that brought her into our doors, a story filled with betrayal, fear, and statutory rape. I sat still, as she unloaded the weight of her burden onto my shoulders.

By the hand of God, the pregnancy test read negative.

                These are the stories we hear. Even now, a full week later, it’s overwhelming to me, and I can’t help but think, “Is this overwhelming to God?” Is this Junior High girl’s story as overwhelming to God as it is to me-God, who incessantly hears countless stories like this one, and even worse ones? And again, a full week later, the answer is a loud, resounding, “No!” He’s not overwhelmed. He’s not even surprised, because the God we serve is calmly seated on His throne in Heaven, lovingly listening to every painful moan of His children. When someone walks away from Him, He’s seated. When someone plots against Him, He’s seated. No action or thought from man or demon could stir the Almighty God from His throne, because He is Sovereign. His face is not one of shock and awe. Instead, to His children, His countenance is a never-changing face of approval and acceptance. He’s not pacing. He’s not panicking. He’s not weeping, and He most certainly is not overwhelmed when He hears the hurts of His saved, redeemed sons and daughters. He’s only filled with love. Words cannot express His unwavering compassion when He hears each and every story. I’ve concluded that human minds cannot fully grasp the emotional strength of our seated, Sovereign God. He has a plan, regardless of the pain.

                Because He can listen to every broken heart without Himself breaking, pray every day that He gives us as client advocates the same emotional strength to show these girls His unchanging love day in and day out, no matter their age, no matter their life choices, and no matter how overwhelming their story may be. Pray Psalm 55:22 over our counseling doors: “Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved.”

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The "He" Story

          Tuesday mornings at the Community Pregnancy Center in Pasadena are typically filled with appointments for our two Tuesday client advocates. We also have Spanish-speaking appointments this day for those clients who have not yet learned English. This Tuesday, however, God most certainly had other plans. One volunteer called the day before, informing us that she would be out of town. The second counselor also noted that she herself would be late, not making it in until 11 am. The appointment book, however, read very clearly. At 10 o’clock that morning, a young woman would be expecting her pregnancy test.

Our receptionist saw this appointment and prayed for help, knowing how sacred our appointments are. God hears His name and listens to the heart calling out, but our faithful, compassionate Creator also intervenes! As she finished her prayer, our phones rang. A Thursday counselor called, and, after hearing the need, drove to our facility instantly! As He always does, our King brought a specific woman to speak with a specific client on a specific day!

The counselor walked into our doors with a verse heavy on her heart: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). Not knowing the reason behind the thought, she obediently wrote it down and immersed herself in each word.

“I will come in to him.”

“Dine with him.”

He with Me.”

Him? He? But we’re a pregnancy center. Our ministry is women. Our hearts are called to their broken hearts. 100% of our clients are women, so why would our Sovereign God, knowing this truth, lay such a verse on our client advocate just minutes before her appointment?

The beautiful 17 year old girl walked in our doors for her appointment, the appointment. After filling out her information, she sat quietly in the waiting room for her name to be called. Her boyfriend sat with her. Also a teenager, the young man sat tall, sharply dressed with a tie and vest. She marked on her information that she was Christian. The case seemed very simple on paper. Even looking at the couple, the case seemed as if it was going to be easy. Appearances, however, mean absolutely nothing: a lesson taught daily at this pregnancy center.

Our client advocate led the client alone into the counseling room to discuss her situation. Before every pregnancy test, we talk to the client: notice her, learn about her, and give her the freedom to unload her burden. In that conversation, after receiving permission from the young woman, our counselors always share the Gospel of Christ. We explain who He is and who they are in Him. Today our counselor did this, still thinking back on the verse God gave her. It was in this conversation that our young client revealed that yes, she was a Christian, but the possible baby’s father was not.

Her boyfriend in the waiting room was a practicing Muslim.

                The counselor decided then to bring the boyfriend into the conversation. While waiting for the pregnancy test to read, our client advocate shared again the power of Jesus Christ and the impact He can have on someone’s life. Choosing her words carefully, she graciously told this young man about the hope found in the Living Savior. He listened, visibly grasping the spoken words, and he admitted that this is exactly what he has felt stirring inside him already. He said that he’s been considering converting to the Christian faith. Our client advocate put a Bible in his hands before they left, knowing this was him.

This Muslim teenager.

This was the “him”.
This was the man in the verse!

God orchestrated the entire happenings of this morning all for the sake of this man.

The pregnancy test read negative, and they both left relieved and newly assured of who exactly Christ Jesus is. He is the Sovereign God over scared Christian girls and lost Muslim boys who both desperately need a Redeemer. God pushed through each door and tore down every wall to bring this man to our attention so that he would hear just how much his Creator loves him. God truly pursues without rest the heart unknowing of Him. Pray for this young couple as they remember the Truth they heard today. Pray for even further intervention in this young man.

Our ministry will always be directed toward the women in the midst of a pregnancy decision, but God reminded us all today to notice the man sitting in the waiting room with a soul just as scared and wandering.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

2012 Boots&Booties' Story


                 Every fall, we host Boots and Booties, Barbeque and Silent Auction. This is our largest fundraiser of the year, and this year was no exception. On Friday, October 19th, 2012, Clearpoint Church opened their doors to our great event. Over 200 people came to support our fight against abortion, making this year’s event the most attended Boots and Booties to date. The silent auction stood ready with sixty-two packages, making this year’s auction the most populated auction to date. Even more, every single auction sold, yet another Boots and Booties first! The registration may have been hectic, and the seating may have been askew, but that simply proves the devil’s jealousy at our God’s exalted name!

                To start the program, I shared abortion’s truths, revealing the undoctored truth behind the assumptions. It’s not a just procedure. It’s not just a political agenda. It’s not just one of three options. Abortion means subjecting one’s body to mountainous physical ramifications, including future miscarriages, infertility, and even cervical cancer. Abortion also means subjecting one’s psychological and emotional health to irreversible damage, including depression, guilt, and suicidal feelings. These are the facts of the abortion fight-not made up stories for our benefit as a pregnancy center.

                Next, our beautiful sonographer, Mikelle Challenger shared the importance of ultrasound appointments in the fight against abortion. Every Thursday she meets with the girls our client advocates deem “abortion vulnerable”. She shows the scared, confused girls exactly what their decision is: she shows them their breathing, moving, flesh and blood baby inside their womb. Mikelle explained the story of Krystal, and how the ultrasound solidified that this pregnancy was indeed her baby.

                The night ended with our director, Bobbie Zamminer, asking for financial support to help us further extend a hand to those coming into our centers. This money means warm air when the counseling rooms grow cold and typical budget things like this, but this year also introduced a new goal. Our director has a great vision for this center, a vision demanding more of her time to be focused on the community and another’s time to be focused on the center itself. Bobbie asked for an entirely new salary for an entirely new, full time position. This is a huge dream, but we serve a huge God! He Himself gave the goal to Bobbie to share, so we can most certainly trust that He Himself will provide the means to establish such a position.

                Thank you for your prayers over our event! Big things are coming to life at the Community Pregnancy Center, and we’re so thankful for such eager, loving support! Keep praying, for Friday night was just one step toward our future!


Abortion's Story

Abortion is the bottom line of pregnancy centers, including the Community Pregnancy Center of Pasadena, Texas. It’s no secret that our mission is to share the truth about every option within a pregnancy decision. We don’t pressure a single girl into a pregnancy decision, or a spiritual decision, for that matter. We don’t lie or try to manipulate the facts of abortion in our favor, which is the common attack from pro-choice organizations and individuals. The rumor has been out in the media for decades and it is currently being publicized that pro-life pregnancy centers deceive and talk their way around the assumption that abortion is ok. To set the record straight, I want to present the unbiased, un-doctored truth about abortion.

            First, abortion has emotional consequences. In a personal interview with a woman who chose abortion, I asked her of her own experience, and she was no exception. She confessed that she suffered the emotional and psychological effects of abortion for over 15 years. The decision led to alcoholism, depression, and an inability to trust anyone. This is what abortion does to the mind. It’s not a made up generality.

            Secondly, abortion has great physical ramifications. While the immediate complications of abortion are sometimes temporary and treatable, these complications frequently lead to long-term reproductive damage to the female body, which commonly results in infertility. A post-abortal infection can raise the probability of later ectopic pregnancies to 5 to 8 times more likely.

Cervical damage is also a risk. This could translate into a permanent weakening of the cervix, meaning that the cervix is unable to carry the weight of a later, “wanted” pregnancy. This then results in miscarriage or premature birth. In my previously mentioned interview, the post-abortive woman revealed that she suffered from cervical cancer due the effect of her 3 abortions. A major study conducted by the After Abortion Organization is quoted to have reported that “among teenagers who aborted their first pregnancies, 66% subsequently experienced miscarriages or premature birth of their second, “wanted” pregnancies”.  This study also reported that the effects of abortions accounted for “3000 cases of acquired cerebral palsy amongnewborns each year”.

Planned Parenthood, the most well-known pro-choice organization in the United States, hides these truths from the public. On their own website, the organization calms readers by proclaiming “Serious, long-term emotionalproblems after abortion are about as uncommon as they are after giving birth”. They also claim that physical side-effects are minimal, and treatable by their staff. They also rewrite the procedure of an abortion to be almost poetic: “Medical instruments and a suction machinegently empty your uterus”. Calming, isn’t it? That description certainly sounds more attractive than the facts I previously listed.

Of the women who enter Planned Parenthood for counseling, 98% of them have abortions. In a national abortion study, Planned Parenthood reported that they performed 332,278 abortions in 2009. At an average cost of $625 per abortion, that means they made more than $200 million on abortion alone. And that doesn't include the $363 million they received in government grants or the $209 million from private donations. That’s 772 million dollars pushing this pro-abortion origination—just in 2009 alone. Ignoring political stances and ignoring bold statements made, our country, our society is financially supporting abortions, and doing it quite generously.

            This is the vast abortion fight, but don’t be deceived into thinking this is a war off in the distance. Planned Parenthood runs the largest abortion-operating center in the entire northern hemisphere here in Houston, Texas with an entire wing of the building dedicated solely to the medical abortions. This is a local fight, and one we are fighting every single day at the Community Pregnancy Center. In this summer alone, 17% of the girls who walked into our facility were abortion vulnerable. They knew they were pregnant yet had no idea what to do. They live in the society and the geographical area that tells them that abortion is not only safe, but a relief. They hear these calming stories, and view it as a viable option to consider. 17%. If you look behind this number, you will see the 41 girls it represents-41 girls and their 41 babies from this summer alone. That’s 82 lives, and truthfully, those are only the ones who were willing to admit out loud what they were considering. The actual number is beyond our imagination.

Just three weeks ago, I answered the call of a mother calling on behalf of her teenage daughter, trying to schedule an abortion for her teenage daughter’s pregnancy. She herself wanted her daughter to “terminate” that unplanned pregnancy. In a moment, Mikelle will further explain Krystal’s story, but this is the fight that our world, our nation, and this pregnancy center battles. In the face of all these facts I’ve shared with you about the reality of abortion, remember Romans 8:31-32:
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”

Our King is paying attention. Our King is fighting, next to you and next to me, and I guarantee that our God is the god who wins.

Krystal's Story

              At the Community Pregnancy Center, our primary fight and mission is to combat abortion. We add our voice to speak up for the unborn miracles, hand-crafted by God Almighty Himself. We want to share the truth about life and the truth about God, trusting that He will intervene through our words. Sometimes, the girls who come into our facility don’t necessarily need an abortion conversation, because they have already chosen life for their baby. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

                Working late into the afternoon, the phone at my desk rang. A mother was on the other line. After speaking for just a few seconds, she made it clear that she wanted only to schedule an abortion for her 17 year old daughter’s unplanned pregnancy, assuming we were an abortion clinic. Knowing I needed to choose my words very carefully, I assured her that we are not an abortion clinic, nor do we give referrals to abortion clinics, but I can schedule a counseling appointment for her daughter: “In an appointment, we will explain the process and facts of abortion, so your daughter understands the procedure. Through this appointment, we will then be able to schedule your daughter for a free sonogram on Thursday. This will determine the exact age of the pregnancy, which will determine the cost of an abortion.” The further along a woman’s pregnancy is, the more expensive an abortion will be. Her mother took my logical argument for an appointment with us and scheduled it for the next morning, admitting to me that she herself wanted her daughter to get an abortion.

I had 18 hours until the appointment
18 hours to pray for Krystal.

She arrived at our door promptly at 10:00 am that Tuesday morning, with her ex-boyfriend at her side. Recognizing her name, I took her back into the counseling room, trusting God to give me the words. She explained every reason why she wanted “to terminate the pregnancy”:
1) She already had a one and a half year old son with this ex-boyfriend.
2) She would have no one to watch the kids while she was in school.
3) Her Medicaid is about to end.
4) She’s just too afraid to have another baby at just seventeen years old.

In the society in which we live today in 2012, these reasons are accepted as justifiable for abortion. Thankfully, the Kingdom doesn’t work with the same rules as the world.

Before anything else, I shared the truth of abortion, the option she was solely considering.  To her unknowing ears, I laid out the risks and the extreme dangers of abortion. Even more, I confronted Planned Parenthood’s lies on their own website, which she had visited. I did my best to answer every question and worry she confessed about the abortion procedure.

After the logistics of the appointment, I then shared the greatest support she could ever have. I shared the redemptive Gospel of Christ Jesus and his personal, attentive love.
1) He will hold her oldest son within the palm of His hand.
2) He will provide the care for both of her children.
3) He will fill every gap earthly resources leave open.
4) He will surround her with perpetual and unwavering peace, approval, and strength
to raise this new baby.
She soaked up every word.
The test read positive.
I offered the sonogram, again reminding her that this will give her the exact age of her pregnancy. She quietly agreed to this second appointment. She told me that now, “I just don’t know what to do.” I scheduled her for that coming Thursday at 10:00 am.
I had 2 days until the appointment.
2 days to pray for Krystal.

Thursday morning, she came with the baby's father, and waited in our waiting room. Our sonographer, Mikelle, called to warn us that she would be late for that 10 o’clock appointment. Seeing the apprehension in Krystal’s eyes, I sat with her in the waiting room, talking for 45 minutes as we waited for Mikelle. Without realizing, I became more than her counselor. I was the only friend who would listen. Finally, Mikelle arrived! Krystal asked her ex-boyfriend if he wanted to be her support, her witness in the sonogram room. He quietly said “no”. She looked up at me, and chose me to go in with her!

Of all the sonograms I have seen, this was by far the clearest of the clear. Krystal could see every part of the growing baby! The head, the feet, the arms! She even noticed the size of the toes, remarking that her feet have the very same form! Mikelle played the heartbeat: perfection. Krystal’s face lit up when she heard the sound. I led her to the counseling room to talk to Mikelle after it was over, and I asked how she was feeling about the pregnancy now.
"Now that I've seen him, I think I want to change my mind."

A week later, both Mikelle and I followed up with Krystal. To be honest, we wanted to know if she went to Planned Parenthood anyway. Our lack of faith was revealed. Krystal shared that she chose life for her baby! Since her visit here, she talked with her family and is now under a doctor’s care. Pray for her as she lives out her decision. Pray for constant reassurances and unwavering support.

He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. -Matthew 8:26

In our moment of “What’s going to happen?”, Christ, our Warrior and our Defender, got up, rebuked the opposition, and calmed sweet Krystal’s heart.

This is our King.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

An Uncommon Story

          Prayer is a vital part of our relationship with God as Christians, but also to our purpose of the pregnancy center. Before meeting with clients, our volunteers circle together to each pray over the day. Before the door opens once, the women entering our facility have already been wholly covered in prayer. Their appointment is on purpose, and God is about to move.

Such is the case with today. One of our beautiful volunteers prayed over her appointment before even knowing the girl’s name, age, or situation, and He listened. God makes no mistakes, nor does He allow a single oversight. This client came to this specific Community Pregnancy Center to talk to this specific volunteer specifically today. James 5:16 assures us that “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Prayer moves God. Bold prayers excite God into incredible action. Not a single factor of today’s appointment was untouched by the hands of God, because our Creator is personal, precise, and so very faithful to provide.

This young client is 21 years old, not an uncommon age for our girls. She is also unmarried, which is also a highly typical response. Her case seemed simple. The answers on her intake sheet were not a surprise to her volunteer counselor. She greeted the client and led her to their counseling room, beginning a most unforgettable conversation. The story behind this client’s general information ran so very far beyond “common”.

She suffers from bi-polar disorder, a condition she currently cannot mediate due to this possible pregnancy. She alone cares for her only son. She is denied Medicaid, though she provided her driver’s license and social security card, because her birth certificate is in Ohio. She has no family support, and she has no financial support. Every facet of her life seems to be a worst case scenario. Despite her complicated and hopeless reality, her deepest grief lies elsewhere.

On September 22, 2012
Just 4 days ago
The father of her son, the man she loved since she was 13 years old died without sign or warning.

They haven’t even performed his funeral.
The pregnancy test read positive.

          The grief, the pain, and the confusion are absolutely unimaginable. Where is the hope? Where is the Sovereign Hand of God? Where is some cosmic example of Jesus in something like this? Absolutely everything in this girl’s life is going wrong, and then she loses her best friend.

This is anguish.

“And being in anguish, He prayed more earnestly,
and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.

Luke 22:44

Prayer. This day began with prayer, and it most certainly ends with prayer. When the test is negative, we pray. When the test is positive, we pray. When a client spills a story of utter agony out of her soul, we pray. It’s always about Jesus. Only He can hold her psychological illness together without a doctor’s hand. Only He can father her fatherless children. Only He can provide every earthly and heavenly support her needs could ever demand. The answer is always Jesus, so together with our Christ-believing client, we claim Habakkuk 3:17-19.
“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to tread on the heights.”

Pray for this young client as she walks through these unbelievable days with her Savior. Pray for confirmation as she sees her baby’s life through a sonogram.
He’s listening, and I thank Him with every part of my heart that He is present and active, working these meetings into truly Divine appointments.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Crisis Story

                In pregnancies, Psalm 139:13 is more than often quoted: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” This reminds us that a baby is a gift. Every single life inside the womb is carefully formed by the hands of the Creator! He personally chooses the color of the baby’s eyes. The Reigning King above all kings Himself meticulously sets the rhythm of the new life’s heartbeat. With unparalleled consideration and love, He writes great, unforeseen plans never before imagined specifically for this young life! A baby truly is a miracle straight from God’s arms.

                Yet, our pregnancy center and pregnancy centers like ours are typically recognized as “crisis” pregnancy centers. This, of course, insinuates that an unplanned pregnancy is indeed a crisis. Society understands a crisis to be a catastrophic disaster. It’s the point where life goes down in flames. It’s sad. It’s painful. It’s filled with panic and tears. It’s the moment when life is absolutely ruined.

                Yesterday, a young woman came for her appointment, accompanied by her mother and boyfriend. She lives a seemingly normal life with her mother and her sister. She walked in our doors with fear. She frightfully anticipated the expected news. She already researched the possibility of abortion, but God drew her to our facility before she finalized that decision. Our client advocate listened, comforted, and shared Christ’s love and redemption! She explained God’s promises and desires for this girl’s life.

They performed the pregnancy test.


10 weeks pregnant.

She’s just 14 years old.

                Is this baby a gift? Is this baby a crisis? Did God truly orchestrate such a miracle, knowing the body carrying was a girl beginning her 9th grade year in high school?

                The Biblical definition for a “gift” is found in James 1:17: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” This famous passage is even written in the context of perseverance under unwanted trials. So yes, this baby is a miracle, hand-crafted by God, and His plan for the baby, for the mother, and for the situation is good. No matter the circumstances which caused this or the circumstances following, this baby is a miraculous gift from God.  

The literal definition for “crisis” is the following: “1) a stage in a sequence of events at which the trend of all future events, especially for better or for worse, is determined; turning point and 2) a condition of instability or danger”. So yes, this pregnancy is a crisis. This 14 year old’s baby has absolutely changed all future events this girl planned. The pregnancy is indeed a turning point. It’s undeniably an instable time, filled with anxiety, worry, and fear.

Whether or not the situation is fair is not our place to determine. Out of selfless love, God gave mankind free will, free to choose Him or reject Him. On a daily basis, we choose to reject Him, yet He still chooses us. He chooses to see His Son’s sacrifice instead of our sin. He chooses to forgive. He chooses to redeem our mistake and bring about something beautiful.
Something good and perfect.
That’s the miracle.
That’s the gift.

Pray for this young girl as she walks forward, choosing life for her baby. Pray for her family as they absorb the depth of heartbreak attached to this positive test. Colossians 1:17 promises us that Christ “is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Pray that this family runs to Christ’s ever-open arms, because only in Him is there true hope and healing. Our Savior is big enough for a 14 year old’s pregnancy. Our Deliverer is without question strong enough to hold this crisis together and form a miracle.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Victim’s Story

        We live in a fallen world, a world with mistakes, slips in judgment, and unwanted pregnancies. The young girls who walk into our doors share their stories of regret and shame. They choose for themselves to walk the slippery road of premarital sex, and they need hope. That is the primary account we typically hear. Some days, however, we hear the stories of the victims. We hear the exceptions. We rediscover the utter depth of this fallen world. Yesterday morning, we wrapped our arms around a 24 year old date rape victim. Expecting a typical appointment, our client advocate took her for counseling. The dark story began to unfold.

        Weeks prior, she attended a party at a close friend’s home. The actual of events and decisions at the party are irrelevant at this point, because it was the choice of another that sealed the night. Unnoticed by her, a man slipped a drug into her drink. Faces blurred. Voices quieted. Her mind seemed to close its eyes, remembering nothing from that drink forward. Hours later, she awoke to an empty house, entirely naked and alone.

"What was the drug?"
"Who was the man?"
"Why did this happen?"
        These questions, among countless others, are justifiably asked, but the answers are nonexistent. The days passed, and the fear becomes reality. Yesterday morning, the diagnosis read clear: Positive. She’s carrying a baby conceived by rape.

        Two drugs are primarily known as the “date rape” drug:  Rohypnol (AKA “roofies”) and GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyerate) (AKA Liquid X). They both produce a sedative effect, amnesia, muscle relaxation, and a slowing of psychomotor responses. The effects can last up to 8 hours, depending on the dose. The typical use of these resembles the following: The attacker will slip the drug into a drink. Upon consumption, the victim will appear drunk and helpless. The attacker will then offer the victim a ride home. When the victim regains consciousness, he or she has no memory of the events.

        Two-thirds of rape victims between the ages of 18 and 29 know their attacker and over 60 percent of rapes occur in residences. This devastatingly proves true in our client’s case. She questions if it was her friend of 7 years, the host of the party, who attacked her. A DNA test will be administered soon to identify the father of this baby.

In the meantime, our client moves forward.
To the glory of God, she has chosen LIFE for her baby!
        She is researching adoption options! The Community Pregnancy Center is also giving her an ultrasound appointment to reaffirm her decision for life! She’s confused. She’s hurt. She has so many unknowns, but she is trusting God with this new life growing inside of her. She’s attending church, and she’s praying for hope and praying for guidance.

        We serve a God with love greater than this world’s hate, grace deeper than this world’s evil, and hope brighter then this world’s devastation. No matter man’s free choice, God offers a rescue. No matter man’s betrayal, God offers a salvation. Yes, we live in such a fallen world, but we stand in the presence of the God who wins! He has conquered this world, and the devil’s days are numbered.

        Praise our Gracious King for bringing this young woman into our doors. Thank Him for His intervention, leading this woman to LIFE for this baby! What a reigning, loving God! Cover this woman in unrelenting prayer as she walks forward!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Jackie's Story

Last night, I led worship with a close friend of mine at a Pearland youth service. The young youth pastor continued his sermon series called, “Hot Topics”. The Lord certainly planned my presence to coincide with last night, because the topic of the evening was Abortion. The pastor arranged a panel for an interview segment. Three individuals lined the stage.

A man who was adopted at 3 weeks old shared the story of his birthparents. They were just 16 when they selflessly made the choice for adoption. The young man read aloud the letters his then teenage parents wrote explaining their decision for his life. Tears streamed down his face as he spoke their words, “It wasn’t because I didn’t want you or because I didn’t love you. It’s not because I don’t care. I chose this, because I care about you so much.”

Another man opened his adoption story to the students. He and his wife wanted so desperately to have children of their own, but doctors diagnosed this dream as medically impossible. To the glory of God, this man explained, this family is no longer childless.  Within three years of each other, two young girls separately chose life for their unborn children. They chose adoption. Because of their choice, this man and his wife are now raising two beautiful daughters!

The final panelist was Jackie. Her story gravely opposed the previous success stories. She bravely shared her choices for abortion. When she was 15 years old, her parents separated. Her mother spent her time dating. Her father spent his time working. Her need for love sought fulfillment through other outlets: drinking, drugs, and boys. The latter resulted in a pregnancy at 15. Feeling utter desperation, she chose abortion. She wanted out of the situation, and, in her young mind, that was the only solution. Continuing her destructive lifestyle, Jackie discovered she was pregnant again just 2 years later. At 17 years of age, she chose a second abortion. She would chose abortion one more time when she reached her twenties, totaling to 3 abortions.

At the time, she claimed to be a Christian. She went to church with her family, and knew all the right answers. Looking back, however, Jackie admits, “You cannot truly be a Christian and do this to your body.” Years passed, and Christ changed her. She came into a new relationship with her Loving Maker, and to this day, she stands sober. Through Celebrate Recovery, Jackie has faced her past, faced her decisions. This, of course, means finally confronting the 3 abortions. She recounts the years of shame and heartbreak: every time she saw a baby, every time she saw a child the age her babies would be now, every time she had to list the number of pregnancies in a doctor’s office. The remembrances were haunting.

Her side-effects of the abortions reach deeper than psychological. When Jackie married her godly husband, they immediately began the process of trying for a family. Finally, the test read positive! In her fourth pregnancy, she deemed herself ready and so excited! Unfortunately, because of the effects of the abortion procedures on Jackie’s body, the baby miscarried. The cruel darkness of loss inside of her devastatingly deepened. This would be her last pregnancy, because she was then diagnosed with cervical cancer. She made the decision to have a hysterectomy. She no longer can have children of her own, an intrinsic result to her choices years earlier to kill the children her body once carried.

Both she and her husband are healing. Our God is very much a God of redemption, forgiveness, and restoration! Jackie finds rest in His promises. Though she fully grieves the scars she suffers, she now lives in the sustaining peace of Christ. They are now looking to adopt.

The Community Pregnancy Center encounters 15 year old “Jackies” every single day. God gives us the opportunity to share not only pregnancy’s options, but also His salvation. We have one guaranteed appointment to offer a life of hope, not shame. Jackie’s story is such a reminder that we still have a most-prominent purpose!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


A preacher and his wife are VERY poor.  They already have 14 children and she just found out she is pregnant with #15.  Considering their poverty and excessive global population, should an abortion be recommended?

A father is sick.  The mother has tuberculosis.  They have 4 children, the oldest is blind, the second has already died, the third is deaf, and the fourth also has TB.  The mother is pregnant again, should an abortion be recommended?

A white man viciously rapes an innocent 13-year-old black girl, and she becomes pregnant; should an abortion be recommended?

A young unmarried teenager becomes pregnant greatly shaming her family.  She has just become engaged, but he is not the father of the baby and is beside himself with grief and anger.  Should an abortion be recommended? 

Perhaps you have seen these stories before... for those of you who have not, in the first case John Wesley, one of the greatest evangelists of the 19th century would have been aborted.  Child #2 was Beethoven.  #3 was Ethel Waters, the great African-American gospel singer. and Child #4, if you had encouraged your friend to "save face" and have an abortion would have ended the life of the greatest teacher of all time, and my personal Savior, Jesus Christ.

  January is Sanctity of Human Life Month, a time for Americans to reflect on the reality of the supreme court decision of Roe V Wade.  Since January 22, 1973, 50 million voices have been silenced with the legalization of abortion.  Recently I heard someone put it this way:  "entire generations of children have been wiped out."   What a sobering thought that there would be NO baby girls to put frilly dresses on; no little boys to take fishing or teach to throw a ball... because an entire generation is gone.

  Where do you fall on the issue of abortion?  Over half of Americans believe that abortion is morally wrong, but I have had the opportunity to sit with many young women who made that statement, and proceeded to consider abortion as a viable option when they saw a positive pregnancy test.  I have heard many people mutter under their breath after they say it is morally wrong, 'except in the case of incest or rape'.  And rape and incest are incredibly horrible, and I do not presume to tell those women what to do, or to judge them for their decisions, but for the purposes of this conversation, I submit for your consideration the Psalmist's words, 'You knit me together in my mother's womb. You knew me before I was even made.  All my days were written in Your book.'   I have an acquaintance who said of her child conceived during a rape, "I cannot imagine my life without this little girl", and I have heard several young adults publicly thank birth mom's for making the choice for life. 

     Rape, incest, abortion, they are all horrible things... and in a perfect world none of them would happen, but we don't life in a perfect world, and until we do, I am called to love these women and teen girls.  To listen to their story, and to help them make sense of the "madness"  To provide them with as much information as possible; to help them make an informed decision, that protects them - hopefully physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  My job is not to judge, but to listen, to love, to glorify GOD.  Not a wrath filled and  vengeful God, but the generous and loving God, who wants the best for His children.
     What are you called to do?  Will you pray for us?  Will you support us at our next event?  Or are you a potential client - wondering why you would ever show up at Community Pregnancy Center of Pasadena...  Well if that's you, know that we care about you.  Really! you matter - you are much more than just a girl with a baby we have to save - you are a Young Woman we want to meet.  We care about your health,  what you think, what's going on in your life, who's going to support you in this decision.  We are here to help.  Call and find out how.